Los Nietos Safe Routes to School
Led project scoping and secured $3.2 million in grant funds for Los Angeles County by preparing two successful grant applications for Phases I and II of the Los Nietos Safe Routes to School Project to improve walkability along school routes in unincorporated Los Nietos/West Whittier. Funding was secured through Cycles 2 and 3 of the California Active Transportation Program for Los Angeles County Public Works.
East LA Moves / El Este Se Mueve
Secured $500,000 in grant funds for Los Angeles County by preparing a successful grant application for an active transportation encouragement and outreach campaign in unincorporated East Los Angeles, now called “East LA Moves / El Este Se Mueve.” Funding was secured through Cycle 4 of the California Active Transportation Program for Los Angeles County Public Works.
City Terrace Drive Complete Streets
Led visioning of a Complete Streets project along City Terrace Drive, which is the second most dangerous roadway in unincorporated East Los Angeles. Collaborated with agency partners and community-based organizations to conduct outreach and build a demonstration project to build stakeholder support.
710 North Mobility Improvements Program
Drafted legislation at LA Metro which was approved by the Board of Directors to create flexible eligibility guidelines for funding once dedicated to the expansion of the SR 710 North. The legislation resulted in cities being able to utilize almost $1 billion for pedestrian, bikeway, and transit-supportive infrastructure projects that improve mobility along the SR 710 North corridor.
Affordable Housing Land Bank Pilot Program
Spearheaded the development of a new Affordable Housing Land Bank Pilot Program for Los Angeles County to address gentrification and displacement resulting from major infrastructure investments. The program intended to utilize $50 million in seed funding to acquire and hold land and develop parcels into affordable housing.
Puente Hills Landfill Regional Park
Co-led settlement negotiations between Los Angeles County and the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts resulting in $80 million being dedicated towards converting the former Puente Hills Landfill into what will be the largest regional park built in the county in decades. In partnership with counsel, developed the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement which brought closure to the litigation between the two agencies.Description goes here